• Parameter Error: while installing Openkm

  • Problems with installing OpenKM? No problemo, the solution is closer than you think.
Problems with installing OpenKM? No problemo, the solution is closer than you think.
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 #44074  by evi0

I downloaded OKMInstaller.jar file from OpenKM and i am trying to execute OKMInstaller.jar in console. But in this i am getting bellow error in console as

"ERROR: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory"

I am unable to find out problem for that. Please give me solution for that.
Capture.JPG (47.82 KiB) Viewed 6256 times
 #44133  by evi0
Hi Pavila,

Although the new installer can successfully install without error but no tomcat service been installed.

Can help to check again ?

 #44140  by evi0
evi0 wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:27 am Hi Pavila,

Although the new installer can successfully install without error but no tomcat service been installed.

Can help to check again ?

Having the same problem with the Linux installer !!!
 #44166  by evi0
pavila wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:11 pm Please, check that the downloaded installer version is 0.9.1-CE
Hi Pavila,

Yes, confirmed the installer version is 0.9.1-CE but i'm still encountering the same problem.

 #44167  by pavila
Please, tell me which OS and version are you using, Java version and which parameters are you using. In short, the best information you can provide to reproduce the issue because I can't.
 #44168  by VincentVega
I have the same problem, all installation goes fine, but the service is nowhere to be found.
I'm installing on Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS, there I have samba server with a few shares and an SVN server,
nothing else. Java is correctly installed, mysql is also without any problems. The directory tomcat-7.0.61
is created and has lots of stuff in it, but /etc/init.d/ has no tomcat in it, and of course the service tomcat start
doesn't work because there is no such service.
I downloaded the installer from here: https://www.openkm.com/en/download.html OKMInstaller.jar(Linux x64)
I don't know where to check the version though, but it is the only one on the above mentioned page.
We have OpenKM Pro at work and it is very nice, I have installed in windows before and it also works nice, but
this time I want to put it on my linux box because it makes sense.
I'm hoping you can help us with this.
 #44170  by pavila
In the latest version the service name was changed to "openkm" in Linux and "OpenKM" in Windows.

I've tried again in Ubuntu 16.04 and the installed complete the task without errors. The version is shown at the beginning (see attached screenshot)
version.png (25.87 KiB) Viewed 6148 times
 #44171  by VincentVega
Thanks, I'll check when I'll get home, but it must be the same since I downloaded from the same page, or?
Another thing that comes to mind, I ran the installer directly from the server terminal whereas you probably
are using PuTTy or something like that, would that matter?
Thanks again for your answer.
 #44179  by VincentVega
You are right, it doesn't matter at all. But, I managed to figure out what was going on.
I followed this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJrkD2BdAJo
and it's great, good explanations etc, except for one little detail, there is no service
called "tomcat"! The service is called "openkm"! I did exactly as the woman on the video
says , but instead of:
Code: Select all
root@myserver:/# sudo service tomcat start
I used
Code: Select all
root@myserver:/# sudo service openkm start
Then the rest as in the video, wait a little bit and done, now everything works fine.
Even now if I type
Code: Select all
root@myserver:/# sudo ls -lisa /etc/init.d/
There is still no tomcat there, but there is openkm and that's how I decided to try it out.
Thank you for trying to help.
 #44181  by pavila
We had to change the service name to avoid collisions with existing Tomcat service. And it was after publishing the video.

Sorry for the confusion.
 #44182  by VincentVega
Not a problem, and on the contrary, thank you for providing such a good software on an open base conditions,
and for the time you put trying to help people here.
My respects to you and your team.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.