• Compilation error in OKM-3_0 tagged source code

  • Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #2762  by kiransringeri
I have taken the OpenKM source code (tagged version OKM-3_0)
But, eclipse shows compilation problems.

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
AuthModule cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 77 1245385639204 12421
AuthModule cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 108 1245385639204 12423
AuthModuleHome cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 46 1245385639204 12417
AuthModuleHome cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 63 1245385639204 12419
AuthModuleHome cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 63 1245385639204 12420
e cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 269 1245385639290 12439
EvalError cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 268 1245385639290 12438
home cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 63 1245385639204 12418
home cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 81 1245385639204 12422
home cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 112 1245385639204 12424
Interpreter cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 261 1245385639289 12436
Interpreter cannot be resolved to a type openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 261 1245385639290 12437
The import bsh cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 30 1245385639289 12434
The import bsh cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/direct DirectScriptingModule.java line 31 1245385639289 12435
The import es.git.openkm.ejb.AuthModule.AuthModule cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 41 1245385639204 12416
The import es.git.openkm.ejb.AuthModule.AuthModuleHome cannot be resolved openkm/src/es/git/openkm/module/ejb EJBAuthModule.java line 40 1245385639204 12415

PS: I didn\'t find a suitable group to post this question. So posting in the most active group.
 #2830  by dignan
This is because you have not used XDoclet to generate those classes yet.

To do this you must install JBoss Tools version 2.1.2_GA plugin into Eclipse Europa (3.3). Then configure XDoclet in Preferences such that all libraries are found. Most of the libraries are in <eclipse home>/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_2.0.0.GA. There is one library missing, which you can get by downloading the file here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xdoclet ... -1.2.3.zip extracting that, and copying or moving xjavadoc-1.1.jar from there to the plugin folder of xdoclet.core_2.0.0.GA. Once you have done that, in Eclipse right click your openkm project and click \"Run XDoclet\". From there, follow the development guide instructions.
 #2834  by kiransringeri
Thanks a lot. It worked.
I am able to run the OpenKM from Eclipse.
How can I create the OpenKM.war file?
Is it like following?
1. Run generate.sh
2. Run generateback.sh
3. Zip the OpenKM.war folder in JBoss?

OR do we have a single script which generates OpenKM.war?
 #2844  by jllort
You must have installed jboss-tools in your eclipse. If generates automatically OpenKM.ear file to be deployed on jboss ( I think it\'s well explained on developer guide ). You must deploy OpenKM.ear file not OpenKM.war that\'s into ear file.
 #3100  by hayline
Hi all...
I\'m facing the same problem..
I just cannot find \"Run Xdoclet\" option..I installed Jboss Tools Plugin on eclipse but I can\'t find the folder
I can see Xdoclet preferences on window menu but can\'t find Xdoclet..
When trying the keys \"ctrl+alt+F1\" all I get is \"Help - RElated TOpics\" window..

:blush: Do you have any idea??
 #3101  by hayline
Hi all...
I\'m facing the same problem..
I just cannot find \"Run Xdoclet\" option..I installed Jboss Tools Plugin on eclipse but I can\'t find the folder : <eclipsehome>/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_2.0.0.GA
I can see Xdoclet preferences on window menu but can\'t find Xdoclet..
When trying the keys \"ctrl+alt+F1\" all I get is \"Help - RElated TOpics\" window..

:blush: Do you have any idea??
 #3118  by jllort
Copy this [file name=xdoclet_build-723a0e35ecf0911ca4f5d38df90db381.zip size=2632]http://www.openkm.com/images/fbfiles/fi ... 0db381.zip[/file] in your project ( take a look into ) and execute as and ant.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.