• ERROR using Word add in

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 #8860  by ngsilva24

I'm trying to add a new word document into OpenKM which i have installed in my PC, but i got an error (like the figure attached)..... the connection that i used was like:
Code: Select all
UserName: okmAdmin
Password: admin

I searched if that port was used by another service, but it was free, and i got the connection with OpenKM by url with the same port (8080), but the option to add or modify a word document doesn't works, that's what i think the problem is the "Add in".

I was following this web page to get the connection with the OpenKM : http://wiki.openkm.com/index.php/Word_Addin, but it seems it doesn't work to me.

The version sw that i'm using are:

-MS Word Office 2000
-OpenKMAddIn 5.0.0
-OpenKM 4.1

Please if somebody can help me.
This is the error
This is the error
ErrorAddin.JPG (24.33 KiB) Viewed 5619 times
 #8890  by ngsilva24
Thanks a lot for your help, It works!...now I can add o modify a document from the OpenKM.
 #9076  by ngsilva24
Hi there again, i changed the OpenKM 4.1 to 5.0 version because i needed to use a webservice that only comes with that version, and i'm trying to use the Add in 5.0 too, but i'm getting the last error that i posted.
It's a little difficult to find some answers to this kind of error, please if somebody could help me it would be really nice.
 #9077  by jllort
Sure you've uninstalled older 4.X version ?
Test installed 5.0 with http://demo.openkm.com/OpenKM might run, if not tell us.
After it, we can continue searching the problem.
 #9091  by ngsilva24
Yes i installed the same package, and i could to resolve it, that error was show because the web services that i was using was from OpenKM 4.1, so i've had to remove the web services and import them again.... i think that's because the web services was pointing to OpenKM 4.1 instead of the new version.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.