• Problems with viewing folders in Taxonomy

  • He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
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 #54430  by jcanales
Hello, I have a problem viewing the folders created in the taxonomy section, I tell you that we had a licensed openkm, but when the license expired the decision was made to migrate to the community, since they were not able to generate a previous backup when the license expired and Not being able to enter the platform, the data from the database of the licensed platform was migrated to the database of the community platform, but even though said migration was carried out and the repository folder that contains the encrypted files had been configured, with the folder structure, it doesn't show me the information it had on my previous platform.

In the attached image, it shows the folders created in "Personal Documents" which should be the same structure to display in "taxonomy".
a.png (10.87 KiB) Viewed 6891 times
Image 2 is how I am currently viewing the information in taxonomy.
2.PNG (6.64 KiB) Viewed 6891 times
 #54441  by jllort
You are a strange case because the OpenKM license never expires it is a lifetime license and when you decide to stop paying for annual technical the application continues working. Another matter is if you had a cloud environment, there you are paying for a service, not for an on-premise license. Well let's set the focus in your question:

You were not able to access to the platform and then you exported the database data to a new database and linked it with the CE? is that what you have done?
From what OpenKM professional edition it is supposed you have done it? and for what CE?

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.