• Workflow form with document preview

  • He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
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 #53981  by sstefanov
I need to make workflow with form to be able to add some fields.
The problem is that in screen with form I see only link to the document and if I want to check it I must exit of the workflow panel, go to document, preview it and then go back to the workflow.
This is time consuming and annoying.

Is there any possibility to display document preview along form with input fields?

I searched in the forum but "document preview" are common words and the forum refuse to search them.
I use latest Community development environment for tests and development.
Thank you in advance for the help.
 #54000  by jllort
This kind of improvement has been done in the OpenKM version 7 which comes with two user interfaces. The classical UI ( what corresponds with CE ) and a completely new UI with a more modern look and feel where we have set the focus in the "wizard concept" and trying to do operations faster. Unfortunately, this look and feel is not implemented in the CE.

Some improvements in the UI requires a full rebuild of the entire UI. The current UI could be updated to show form and document preview, but at the end will be only a path, because based in this concept and others, what really is required is a total rebuild.
 #54007  by sstefanov

Will be released OpenKM version 7 as community edition and when?

Till now, I'm trying to embed Preview (like in TabDocument) below (or instead) document path in Dasboard->Workflow page.
But I can't see how to open document (as GWTDocument) having only document path. I need this to pass it to Preview.

Is it possible and how to do this?

Best regards.
 #54011  by sstefanov
Preview is ready! Not so pretty, but for proof of concept is OK.
Document UUID is contained in value parameter.
I changed some fields in the layout to have more space for the preview and now it works fine for PDF files (which I need).
Screenshot_20230113_144924.png (111.77 KiB) Viewed 7836 times
 #54063  by jllort
Version 7 currently is not planed to be released as CE. Before 7 there's version 6.4 and is not clear if will be released or only be moved to some features and will continue with version 6.3.x branch

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.