• From HSQLDB to MySQL

  • OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
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 #1669  by oconesa
Is it possible to change from Hsqldb to mysql in OpenKM 3.0? What I need to do?
 #1673  by pavila
You need to configure it in repository.xml file. You will create a new repository, so you need to export document in your actual repository and import them in the new one.
 #1674  by oconesa
Well, I really want to change the Hypersonic Database from openkm-ds.xml and change it to MySQL in order to manage the access control directly from the database.

I am not interested on the performance (by the moment)
 #1683  by pavila
There are several databases in OpenKM.

* OKMActivity -> Log user activity
* OKMAuth -> User authentication
* OKMDashboardStats -> Store dashboard info
* OKMWorkflow -> Store workflow process and instances (Only in Enterprise Edition)

What database do you want to change?
 #1687  by oconesa
OKMAuth, I suppose.

I want to access to the database with a GUI client and change users and password directly, alternatively to the web admin interface.
 #1703  by pavila
This is the DDL for Auth database:
Code: Select all
# Generic auth database definition
CREATE TABLE users(usr_id VARCHAR(32), usr_pass VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, usr_email VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, usr_active BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY(usr_id));
CREATE TABLE roles(rol_id VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY(rol_id));
CREATE TABLE user_role(ur_user VARCHAR(32), ur_role VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY(ur_user, ur_role));
It can run in MySQL to create the tables. Then you have to modify the AuthDS datasource to match you MySQL configuration.
 #1721  by oconesa
I have created the database \"jboss\" with the 3 tables and I have changed the openkm-ds.xml file:

This part was changed:

<!-- OpenKM User Auth -->
<type-mapping>Hypersonic SQL</type-mapping>

<!-- For hsqldb accessed from jboss only, in-process (standalone) mode -->
<mbean code=\"org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase\"
<attribute name=\"Database\">OKMAuth</attribute>
<attribute name=\"InProcessMode\">true</attribute>


<!-- OpenKM User Auth -->

I do not have any ERROR on logs but I can not access with \"admin\" user.
I think that the empty tables are the problem. What values I have to write on the tables to initialize them?

These initial values do not work:

usr_id (admin), usr_pass(admin), usr_email(admin@admin.com), usr_active(1)
rol_id (AdminRol)
ur_user(admin), ur_role(AdminRol)
 #1723  by pavila
Sorry, I forgot to post this:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO users (usr_id, usr_pass, usr_email, usr_active) VALUES (\'admin\', \'admin\', \'\', true);
INSERT INTO roles (rol_id) VALUES (\'AdminRol\');
INSERT INTO roles (rol_id) VALUES (\'UserRol\');
INSERT INTO user_role (ur_user, ur_role) VALUES (\'admin\', \'AdminRol\');
 #1785  by wape
I also want to change to MySQL. So I followed all the instructions. How did you solve the following problem:

Within the database MySQL 5.0.51a on debian the value of the column usr_active is represented as \'1\' for the value true.

If I add an user within the user administration, a \'1\' is written into the column usr_active. But when I want to login from the starting page, the following sql statement will be sent to the database which gives no result:

select usr_pass as PASSWD from users where usr_id=\'admin\' and usr_active=\'true\'

...instead of usr_active=true

Did I make any mistake?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank\'s very much in advance!

 #1807  by pavila
Try to change usr_active=true to usr_active=1
 #1996  by wape
I found the solution where I have to modify the configuration file.

When I use MYSQL, I have to modify the server/default/conf/login-config.xml. There I modified the SELECT statement from ... and usr_active=\'true\' to ... and usr_active=true.

Now all works.

Best regards,

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.