• error in pdf conversion of office documents

  • OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #6242  by joergweis
Hi, i have a problem with the office document conversion. Conversion tool is installed, but I can't get soffice.bin started headless. Ubuntu 8.04 wants to have a display at this call, it seems that the headless option is not passed through:
command: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless -nofirststartwizard

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:
Set DISPLAY environment variable, use -display option
or check permissions of your X-Server
(See "man X" resp. "man xhost" for details)

open office version 2.4
ubuntu 8.04 server
 #6255  by jllort
some open office version needs to have X-server ... take a look at wiki, from OpenOffice.org 2.3, it is not necessary the X11
 #6271  by joergweis
Hi, issue is resolved by me. I had to install Xvfb and I have created a small shell script:


Xvfb :100 -screen 0 800x600x16 2>/dev/null &
/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin -headless -display :100 -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard

works fine now, but was timeintesiv.
 #6279  by jllort
Conversion needs some cpu and memory, it's not a trivial task that need some hardware to be done, only I can recommend increase memory in your computer for better perfomance, there're no miracles.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.