• Java procedure call in a workflow

  • OpenKM a de nombreuses fonctionnalités interessantes, mais demande un minimum de configuration pour être pleinement exploité.
OpenKM a de nombreuses fonctionnalités interessantes, mais demande un minimum de configuration pour être pleinement exploité.

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 #49526  by kouadio
After several attempts, I do not know where to turn, I come back to you. In fact, being really new, I can't run a single java class API.
For example, following this tutorial (https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/wf ... -node.html), here is the error I get in my catalina.log file:
org.jbpm.instanciation.Delegation.instanciate couldnt't instanciate class 'com.openkm.sample.ValueAction'. While the file ValueAction.java does exist in the "/src/main/java" directory
 #49541  by jllort
Did you added the Action class in your par file ? you can check unzip the par file ( really is a zip )
 #49562  by kouadio
Indeed, I did not add the path of the Action class to the project. But when I add it, I get the following error when creating the PAR file: There was a problem creating the process archive to deploy.

I add the java class according to the following attachment
Class java.PNG
Class java.PNG (11.9 KiB) Viewed 22996 times
PAR File.PNG (12.13 KiB) Viewed 22996 times
 #49564  by kouadio
When I restart my virtual development machine and also restart Eclipse, I get the following error: "Initializing.java Tooling" has encountered a problem. A internal error occurred during "Initializing.java Tooling".
Error.PNG (15.57 KiB) Viewed 22978 times
 #49569  by jllort
Sometimes eclipse turns crazy, I suggest periodical backups of the projects and in case you get disconfigured or errors like it you can go back. I suggest start a empty project and repeat the process again.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.