• Some questions about the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA install

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Problems with installing OpenKM? No problemo, the solution is closer than you think.
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 #3720  by showBoy
Hi all!
I am from China.Now,I am studying the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA how to install.I have some questions.Hope somebody can answer me.

1.I installed the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA ,but I didn't saw the SQL DataBase .For example mysql ,sqlserver and so on.I guess the install bag jBoss use the HSQL.If i want to use mysql and see the OpenKM4.0's DB tables .How can I do?
2.OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA How to set the User and Roles .Now I use the user "okmAdmin" with password "admin" to login .I want to create some users and Roles.
3.Is the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow? I see the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow in some readme.txt.but I don't know how to use .

I interest in the OpenKM 4.0 ,But it's new for me. So if you know the question,please give me some help.Thank you! :oops:
 #3734  by akuma_lad
showBoy wrote:Hi all!
I am from China.Now,I am studying the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA how to install.I have some questions.Hope somebody can answer me.

1.I installed the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA ,but I didn't saw the SQL DataBase .For example mysql ,sqlserver and so on.I guess the install bag jBoss use the HSQL.If i want to use mysql and see the OpenKM4.0's DB tables .How can I do?
2.OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA How to set the User and Roles .Now I use the user "okmAdmin" with password "admin" to login .I want to create some users and Roles.
3.Is the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow? I see the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow in some readme.txt.but I don't know how to use .

I interest in the OpenKM 4.0 ,But it's new for me. So if you know the question,please give me some help.Thank you! :oops:
openKM默认是用一个叫做Hypersonic的DB。如果是3.0的话。在dao目录里有4个dll文件,那是数据库定义文件。如果是4.0的话,在resources目录的dao目录也有相同的文件。使用okmadmin as username 登陆后,会有个administrator panel,里面会有用户添加以及权限设置的地方。不过在IE下不会显示,Firefox可以。至于工作流,我也没太弄懂。
我目前遇到的问题是二次开发环境搭建还存在一些问题。有可能是从SCM download the project 时,出现了问题。以至于发布时有几个错误。
 #3742  by showBoy
akuma_lad wrote:
showBoy wrote:Hi all!
I am from China.Now,I am studying the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA how to install.I have some questions.Hope somebody can answer me.

1.I installed the OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA ,but I didn't saw the SQL DataBase .For example mysql ,sqlserver and so on.I guess the install bag jBoss use the HSQL.If i want to use mysql and see the OpenKM4.0's DB tables .How can I do?
2.OpenKM 4.0 + JBoss 4.2.3.GA How to set the User and Roles .Now I use the user "okmAdmin" with password "admin" to login .I want to create some users and Roles.
3.Is the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow? I see the OpenKM 4.0 can use the workflow in some readme.txt.but I don't know how to use .

I interest in the OpenKM 4.0 ,But it's new for me. So if you know the question,please give me some help.Thank you! :oops:
openKM默认是用一个叫做Hypersonic的DB。如果是3.0的话。在dao目录里有4个dll文件,那是数据库定义文件。如果是4.0的话,在resources目录的dao目录也有相同的文件。使用okmadmin as username 登陆后,会有个administrator panel,里面会有用户添加以及权限设置的地方。不过在IE下不会显示,Firefox可以。至于工作流,我也没太弄懂。
我目前遇到的问题是二次开发环境搭建还存在一些问题。有可能是从SCM download the project 时,出现了问题。以至于发布时有几个错误。

非常感谢您的指点,我也下载了其SVN项目,但是可能下载的不全,现在已经可以看到您说的几个DLL文件,原来其工作流用的是JBPM3的版本。但是估计要想顺利用得花不少时间去弄了。我也是对这个项目比较感兴趣。有机会还是希望和高手多多切磋。 :)
 #3752  by jllort
1- To create user and roles in admin panel, use right click -> it'll appear a popup menu
2- To install in other database, you must change repository.xml ( take a look in this forum, there're some examples about it ).
3- OpenKM come with jBPM workflow engine, you can use it, are several post in forum about it. Remember creating a workflow is not easy.

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.