• Web Service Using CAS SSO Authentication

  • Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #15456  by vinodkanhe

Iam trying to implement CAS Single Sing On for our application and openKM, iam able to configure Single Sign On for OpenKm and CAS.
But now there is requirement for using OpenKM web Service API's using CAS SSO and now am getting CAS authentication exception while invoking OKMAuth webservice to get authorization token.

How Open Km web service can be configured to authenticate user from CAS

Here are me Environment Details :
Java 6
OpenKM 5.1.9
Jboss 4.2.3
CAS Server 3.4.11

Here is the complete StackTrace :
Code: Select all
com.openkm.ws.client.AccessDeniedException_Exception: CAS ticket validation failed: org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException: 
		Service not allowed to validate tickets.
	: CAS ticket validation failed: org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException: 
		Service not allowed to validate tickets.
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:39)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:27)
	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513)
	at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.fault.SOAPFaultBuilder.createException(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:130)
	at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:108)
	at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:78)
	at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.invoke(SEIStub.java:107)
	at $Proxy30.login(Unknown Source)
	at OpenKM.main(OpenKM.java:16)
 #15477  by jllort
OKMAuth is not authenticated service, really you get token and uses it with other WS, this could be the origin of the problem.

Can you share your expertice configuring CAS configuration ? I would like add as an example of CAS in our wiki documentation. Aplication installed and configuration files.
 #16816  by michaeled

I am trying to install a CAS Server on OpenKM. I am currently able to log on OpenKM, but every user is connected under the default role set up in login-config.xml and not under the role defined in the OpenKM database.(e.g. If the field « defaultRoles » is set up to UserRole, the admin is logged under the name « admin » but he has the same rights as a simple user, and doesn't have any access to the admin settings...)

Here is my server/default/conf/login-config.xml file :
Code: Select all
 <application-policy name="OpenKM">
 <login-module code="org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule" flag="required">
 <module-option name="ticketValidatorClass">org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator</module-option>
 <module-option name="casServerUrlPrefix">https://***.***.***.***:8443/cas</module-option>
 <module-option name="tolerance">20000</module-option>
 <module-option name="service">https://***.***.***.***:8443/OpenKM</module-option>
 <module-option name="defaultRoles">UserRole</module-option>
 <module-option name="roleAttributeNames">groupMembership</module-option>
 <module-option name="principalGroupName">CallerPrincipal</module-option>
 <module-option name="roleGroupName">Roles</module-option>
 <module-option name="cacheAssertions">true</module-option>
 <module-option name="cacheTimeout">480</module-option>
I already tried without the line containing "defaultRoles" but it doesn't allow me to log (error 503).

And the server.log shows that the CAS client can't retrieve info from OpenKM server (bad initialization of the ticketValidator?) :
Code: Select all
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,374 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator] Server response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" IssueInstant="2012-06-07T09:48:20.371Z" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" Recipient="https://***.***.***.***:8443/OpenKM" ResponseID="_aad0748e4b63949a81f442933a0128d8"><Status><StatusCode Value="samlp:Success"></StatusCode></Status><Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" AssertionID="_e7c4c2ed2063d1126e5f622155cd0cae" IssueInstant="2012-06-07T09:48:20.371Z" Issuer="localhost" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1"><Conditions NotBefore="2012-06-07T09:48:20.371Z" NotOnOrAfter="2012-06-07T09:48:50.371Z"><AudienceRestrictionCondition><Audience>https://***.***.***.***:8443/OpenKM</Audience></AudienceRestrictionCondition></Conditions><AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationInstant="2012-06-07T09:48:11.454Z" AuthenticationMethod="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:unspecified"><Subject><NameIdentifier>admin</NameIdentifier><SubjectConfirmation><ConfirmationMethod>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:artifact</ConfirmationMethod></SubjectConfirmation></Subject></AuthenticationStatement></Assertion></Response></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,375 INFO [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Login succeeded.
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,375 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Created JAAS subject with principals: [admin, CallerPrincipal: [admin], Roles: [UserRole]]
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,375 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Caching assertion for principal admin
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,375 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Performing logout.
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,376 INFO [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Logout succeeded.
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,376 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jboss.authentication.WebAuthenticationFilter] Installing CAS assertion into session.
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set ticketValidatorClass=org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set roleGroupName=Roles
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set defaultRoles=[UserRole]
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set service=https://***.***.***.***:8443/OpenKM
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set principalGroupName=CallerPrincipal
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set cacheAssertions=true
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set roleAttributeNames=[groupMembership]
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set cacheTimeout=480
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cleaning assertion cache of size 3
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property ticketValidatorClass
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property ticketValidatorClass on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property roleGroupName
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property roleGroupName on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property jboss.security.security_domain
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property jboss.security.security_domain on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property defaultRoles
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property defaultRoles on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property tolerance
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Set tolerance=20000
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property service
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property service on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,417 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property principalGroupName
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property principalGroupName on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property cacheAssertions
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property cacheAssertions on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property roleAttributeNames
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property roleAttributeNames on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Attempting to set TicketValidator property cacheTimeout
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 WARN [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Cannot find property cacheTimeout on org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Saml11TicketValidator
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Performing login.
 2012-06-07 11:48:20,418 INFO [org.jasig.cas.client.jaas.CasLoginModule] Login failed due to unsupported callback: javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException
I already put the 2 cas-client .jars to the WEB-INF/lib folder, as described here : http://wiki.openkm.com/index.php/Centra ... on_Service

And for more details, my web.xml :
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How can we log a CAS user under the role he is actually registered in OpenKM, and what is possibly wrong or missing in my files ?
 #16833  by jllort
I suggest for it going to jasig forum, because users there has a more knowledgement of it than us. there's some mistake in your configuration but I don't know exactly where's the problem why you're not getting the correct roles with authentication. Really all users should have UserRole ( that's not a problem ) but if you login with UserRole will be interesting if in roles list ( at tools / configuration / users configuration ) if appearing other roles.
 #16846  by michaeled
jllort wrote:I suggest for it going to jasig forum, because users there has a more knowledgement of it than us. there's some mistake in your configuration but I don't know exactly where's the problem why you're not getting the correct roles with authentication.
Ok, thanx, i'll do that !
jllort wrote: Really all users should have UserRole ( that's not a problem ) but if you login with UserRole will be interesting if in roles list ( at tools / configuration / users configuration ) if appearing other roles.
Yes, i've others Roles, like "AdminRole" at least,
For example the user okmAdmin is logged like "UserRole" so i don't have any acces to the administration ! :-(
openkm_bug_cas_role.jpg (5.9 KiB) Viewed 12533 times
 #16863  by jllort
Seems if forcing all users to use UserRole, take a look if in some place you are forcing users to get this role.
 #17082  by michaeled
Thanx, I solved the issue. The role wasn't mapped correctly, so now, the UserRole is added by default and the Role is geted by the ticket.

Thanx for the CAS wiki, without which it would have been very difficult !
 #17108  by jllort
We're pleased you have configured successfuly CAS, is not easy. If you consider wiki documentation can be updated in any way tell us and will share the expertice you could provide to other community users.
 #17413  by michaeled
jllort wrote:We're pleased you have configured successfuly CAS, is not easy. If you consider wiki documentation can be updated in any way tell us and will share the expertice you could provide to other community users.

Hi jllort,

I don't yet implement logout, but you can add this to the wiki:

SSO CAS work with Cas client-client-3.2.1, cas-server-3.4.12-release, OpenKM-5.1.10_JBoss-4.2.3.GA, but you have to change this:

<milton.version>, change "1.7.1" by "1.7.2".

<spring.version> (=2.5.6) by 3.0.5.RELEASE

Delete this default lib: (server/default/lib/) ejb3-persistence.jar
And add this one: hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar

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