• recomplie error

  • OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #1339  by ygli
I want to change the admin role \"system\" in 2.0 version,
I change the resource code ,just

es.git.openkm.frontend.client.util.WorkspaceUserProperties and es.git.openkm.frontend.client.widget.UserInfo

in these 2 class, I replace \"system\" with SYSTEM_USER IN

and import this class,so I think I can use the OpenKM.cfg configuration
,but when I run generate.bat ,there is a complie error .
the description is printed by GWTComplier , it said that it can\'t find es.git.openkm.core package in WorkspaceUserProperties or UserInfo class.

if I change the \"system\" in 2 class to other String object ,
I can complie this project and generate the ear file to deploy.
please give some help about this ,thank you very much.
 #1340  by pavila
In OpenKM 3.0-RC1 \"system\" user has been replaced by \"admin\".
 #1345  by jllort
Only one question, you\'re not compiling actual cvs source code no ? you are compiling older 2.0 OpenKM source code version ?
 #1348  by ygli
to pavila:
in my environment I can\'t create a username like \"admin\" in a grant AD system because it is so special, so I just want to make the application can use Config.SYSTEM_USER that can be changed by changing the OpenKM.cfg file.

to jllort
my actually problem is can not complie the changed code that just import Config class in this project. I can complie the code from cvs and build ear file if there is no changes. Maybe it is the GWTComplier\'s problem?
 #1349  by jllort
I ask you about it you had made some cvs checkout, because we\'ve updated the cvs code to OpenKM 3.0 community and now the IDE and GWT version to compile has been changed. If it\'s your case must take a look at new developer guide.
 #1355  by ygli
to jllort

no, I did not check out new code from cvs recently
I make sure I just complie the 2.0 version code

and I just find 2.0 version develop guide by your link


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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.