• System Message On Login

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 #1003  by Dave
Would be great if we had the ability to display a system message when users log in. This would be used by the System Administrator to notify of changes, events, planned outages/downtime, etc.
 #1005  by jllort
You\'re thinking on some alerts by system no ?

Alerts like -> login, user quota exced, etc... which one consider interesting, useful ?
 #1208  by wiseman
I agree. Basically just a simple alert that can contain absolutely anything -- usually just strings and alerts.... but perhaps also some hyperlinks that automatically link the user to particular frequently accessed directories.
 #1209  by Dave
Not really, could be handy to have different options, but I was just thinking a simple string field that you had the option to display after user logs in. It would be used for messages like;

\"There will be system maintenance this Friday at 10:00 am for one hour, OpenKM will be unavailable during this time.\"


\"The directory structure under Projects has been updated, please take some time to review the new structure.\"


\"Permissions to the Finiance directory have been updated. If you do not have access to this and believe you should please contact the System Administrator.\"

That sort of thing. Just simple messages, that you can pop up once a user logs on, which they read and close, and Administrator has the ability to turn on and off.

Actually, if you wanted to get fancy, you could even have option to display the message to certain groups only.
 #1210  by pavila
It can be an interesting feature. I\'ll take care of it in a future release.

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