• sdk question

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We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
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 #50855  by thatguy
Hello All,

I have compiled the java 1.2 sdk for openkm CE using maven 3.6.3. It creates a jar file which i placed in <jdk path>/jre/lib/ext folder. Using java jdk

I used the pom file from https://github.com/openkm/sdk4j-with-de ... er/pom.xml
and also tried jar sample from https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/sd ... lient.html.

When i spin up my intellj IDE i cannot import anything from com.openkm. Placing the built .jar in intellij's lib folder also didnt work.

I tried extracting the jar and placing the contents in the intellij project folders com. I was able to import but none of the com.openkm.sdkj4.OKM* was there.

I am obviously missing something here any help would be appreciated, thanks!
 #50856  by thatguy
When i go to open the jar using "java -jar" i received a "Could not find or load main class com.openkm.Main".

Extracted the jar, and in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Built-By: jonat
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.6.3
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_275
Main-Class: com.openkm.Main
 #50857  by thatguy
I give up. Any help much appreciated. Just to verify i built the jar via maven using the sdk with dependencies from github. Should run from there?
 #50887  by jvezinat
Dont bother. The sdk is a myth. Built from their pom.xml from github doesn't work. Their automation scripts don't work (complains about java syntax, even though it runs just fine in an ide). Overall, this product is garbage..straight trash.
 #51630  by thatguy
I did build using the links you provided as i mentioned in my first post. I cannot load the jar or use the sdk following the steps provided.

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