• Customising Email Notification Subscription

  • OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
OpenKM has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #774  by 955

Is it possible to customise the email notification recieved when you are subscribed to a folder?

E.g when you create a new file you get the following message.

OpenKM - CREATE - /okm:root/<path>

Document: /okm:root/<path>
User: admin

I would like to change the text, and remove the URL.
 #778  by pavila
Yes, you can configure these text using two properties in the OpenKM.cfg file. Default values are shown below:
Code: Select all
subscription.message.subject=OpenKM - {0} - {1};
subscription.message.body=<b>Document: </b><a href=\\\"{0}\\\">{1}</a><br/><b>User: </b>{3}<br/><b>Event: </b>{4}<br/>
And these are the substitution variables used:
Code: Select all
{0} - event type
{1} - document path
{2} - document name
Code: Select all
{0} - document url
{1} - document path
{2} - document name
{3} - user id
{4} - event type
 #794  by 955
Thanks :)
Works a treat. Value {2} doesn\'t seem to work as expected (doesn\'t disply the file name?) but this doesn\'t concern me.
 #985  by regisit
Hi, is there any way to add the comment field to notification emails? Comments can be aded when a doc is checked in. It would be extrememly helpful to include any comment added in the notification so the person receiving the notification can decide what, if anything, they need to do.

 #987  by jllort
When notify to any users the text you write is text is send on mail. Comment is not included on this mail text, is only stored on OpenKM to note some changes made by user between version.

Comment it could be send too, but when we think it we understand than for us comment on uploading a change on document is something like a note, and free text message to notifying users is other concept that covers the comment note ( more extents ) but with other function.

we can discuss more on it, because we\'re interesting on end user usability, and we don\'t discard your purpose. We\'re on this case worried to send duplicate information on same message ( the comment and notification mail text ). Other question could be on paral.lel escenario when you receibe a server notificacion when you\'re subscribed to a document or folder, on that case could be more interesting.
 #1008  by pavila
In the next OpenKM version, commit messages will be included in the notification mail. This feature is already implemented in the development version.
 #4672  by Alp

I use OpenKM version 4.0
I have got subscribed problem with one user
"okm:root" directory subscribed status=yes on this user
in this case,
every document adding notification sent to this user
How can I remove subscribed on "okm:root" directory, remove subscribed button status is deactive

Best Regards
 #4680  by jllort
Have you upgraded from older OpenKM version to 4.0, because in 4.X version and upper you can not subscribe to root folder ( it's disabled ). If you want to remove from there you'll need to connect to repository ( repository administration browser, and removing directly from there ).

The utilies to doing it in 4.0 are in /OpenKM/admin/ ( after get authentication with some adminitrator user )

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.