• Content search not working for notepad content and styled text

  • OpenKM tiene muchas características interesantes, pero es necesario un proceso de configuración para mostrar todo su potencial.
OpenKM tiene muchas características interesantes, pero es necesario un proceso de configuración para mostrar todo su potencial.
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 #40115  by Prajakta
Hi jllort,

Thank you for your reply

we are uploading text documents(.txt) ,and the OpenKM version is 6.2.5
below are the two files i am uploading

1)abc.txt with content as "Admin & Admin"

but when i am searching for Admin..it is not returning any document

I checked
but found that (NDC_TEXT_EXTRACTED =T)
but in NDC_TEXT column it put the value as "NULL"

2) test.txt with content as "abcdefg & abcdefg"

when i am searching for abcdefg,it is returning correct result

As per our analysis,
Is there any limitation of text extraction on the content length ( number of characters in the document)??
Because for the other documents with large content it is working

we are blocked ,so please reply to this soon,

 #40122  by jllort
With text files, althought be small sized should not be any problem on extracting text contents ( it's simply reading file ). sometimes we've observate some problem with small openoffice documents, but for what I can remember not with txt files.

About Us

OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.