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[resolved] Can't modify parameters withinconf. interface

PostPosted:Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:08 pm
by gelinp

I've installed openKm into /opt directory with user root.ww-data user. I can log in with okmAdmin and going to adminsitration. But modifications to openKM.cfg file and I restart the application, the file openKM.cfg looks empty... I modify parameters using administration interface (configuration) I can see that into "generate thesaurus" interface*. But if I shutdown jboss server then after the restart the thesaurus configuration is empty...

I modified directly /opt/jboss-4.2.3.GA/OpenKM.cfg but it's the same problem I can't see my Thesaurus configuration into openKM administration interface.

By the way, I chmod OpenKM.cfg as root.www-data [770], so Apache (and may be jboss) with www-data profil can modify the file ! So I don't understand the problem !

Thank you for your help.

* : But I can't generate vocabulary of the exemple...

OpenKM.cfg file :
Code: Select all
kea.thesaurus.tree.root=SELECT DISTINCT UID, TEXT FROM {UID} Y {OBJECT}, {UID} rdfs:label {TEXT} ; [rdfs:subClassOf {CLAZZ}] where not bound(CLAZZ) and lang(TEXT)="en" USING NAMESPACE foaf=<>, dcterms=<>, rdf=<>, owl=<>, rdfs=<>, skos=<>, dc=<>
kea.thesaurus.tree.childs=SELECT DISTINCT UID, TEXT FROM {UID} rdfs:subClassOf {CLAZZ}, {UID} rdfs:label {TEXT} where xsd:string(CLAZZ) = "RDFparentID" and lang(TEXT)="en" USING NAMESPACE foaf=<>, dcterms=<>, rdf=<>, owl=<>, rdfs=<>, skos=<>, dc=<>
p.s.: how to upload boot.log and server.log because forum refuse to upload any files ?

Re: Can't modify parameters within openkm.cfg or adm. interf

PostPosted:Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:06 pm
by pavila
Starting from OpenKM 5.1 configuration is managed from Administration (and stored in database), so OpenKM.cfg is not the right place. This file only is used to read a couple of configuration properties related to database backend (Hibernate).

Re: Can't modify parameters within openkm.cfg or adm. interf

PostPosted:Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:26 pm
by gelinp
ok i've seen this information today looking for a response into documentation. But I'm using the web administration interface of OpenKM but how to save it ? I can't find a buton to save and I can oly quit the current session and restor it to get back parameters, but if I stop jboss then OpenKM restart with initial parameters... So the question is how to fix mofifications ? May be the problem is because I store application into /opt repository with www-data.www-data, and it's difficult to use apache to manage a repository outside /var/www/..

Thank you for your help.

Re: [resolved] Can't modify parameters withinconf. interface

PostPosted:Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:05 am
by gelinp
The problem was in OpenKM.cfg :





Re: [resolved] Can't modify parameters withinconf. interface

PostPosted:Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:31 pm
by pavila
Yep, this is show in a red box at