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[Solved] Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:17 pm
by ghl.ferhat
Hi everyone.
My issue is described tens of times in this forum but still I cant find a solution of it.
I'm trying to install the Community development environment, so I went to the website and downloaded OpenKM-ComPorDev.ova and followed the steps like in the video in the same page but I have this probleme related to mysql as my understanding.
When I try to log to openkm with http://localhost:8080/OpenKM/ I got this ugly message:
Code: Select all
Application error
Class:	org.apache.jasper.JasperException
Message:	javax.servlet.ServletException: com.openkm.core.DatabaseException: Cannot open connection
Date:	Tue Jul 21 20:54:12 CEST 2020
I looked for old posts talking about this issue, there was a talking about strong and legacy authentication so
i loged into mysql and did this :
Code: Select all
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH  mysql_native_password BY 'openkm';

ALTER USER 'openkm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH  mysql_native_password BY 'openkm';
I suppose this should switch from strong to legacy authentication method. but still it does not work.
mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.29, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper

So if any one had this problem in the Community development environment and fixed it, please share the solution, I need it to understand how to design and work with workflows.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:26 pm
by jllort
OpenKM personal development environment comes with application ready to be used without any kind of changes. I suggest import the virtual machine again. Once imported and running, you have two options to start OpenKM.

1- Open eclipse and in the server tab you have openkm server configured ( you can start from there )
2- Open a terminal and execute the commnad ( the password of the openkm user is openkm )
sudo service openkm start

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:21 pm
by lorii
Dar illort
are you really talking about the actual "OpenKM-ComPorDev.ova". I did try it several times - but NOTHING.
I tried it with starting eclise/Server and with "sudo service openkm start"
Code: Select all
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /OpenKM
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
Apache Tomcat/8.5.34
I tried it also with " ... e=emb_logo" ....

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:31 am
by jllort
Maybe you have executed clean what deletes the OpenKM.war file and then tomcat is not able to deploy the application. The development environment is shared it works. Check if you have OpenKM.war file in the target folder ( openkm eclipse workspace ), if not compile. Also, check the webapps folder in the tomcat folder, should be a Linux alias to OpenKM.war file.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:24 pm
by vazquezm
jllort ;
I have the same issue and I re deploy the ova 5 times and got the same. The browser sent:
Code: Select all
Class: org.apache.jasper.JasperException
Message: javax.servlet.ServletException: com.openkm.core.DatabaseException: Cannot open connection
Date: Wed Apr 28 21:22:45 CEST 202
I think the issue is in the communication or permissons instead of deployment ova problem.
I have the symbolic link correct and the war files created.
Any ideas?

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:45 pm
by jllort
The problem is with the database ... application is not able to connect to the database (the error is clear "DatabaseException: Cannot open connection). Check the database is alive, and you can connect with the user openkm with password openkm from localhost.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Wed May 19, 2021 8:09 am
by ja.clavero

I have the same problem.

I can connect to database with user openkm and password openkm from command line and MySQL Workbench, but okmdb is empty.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Mon May 24, 2021 6:13 am
by jllort
Hi ja.clavero

T'hat's totally impossible. CE Development environment comes with database created and with data. I suggest install virtual machine again because sure you have done something to drop it.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:59 pm
by bumeshrai
I get the same problem. The database is empty. No table is created.

Actually if I follow the video and first compile and then start the Eclipse tomcat server. I get database connection error when I go to localhost:8080/OpenKM.

After compilation if I start the Tomcat available at Development sub folder. I am able to go to localhost:8080 /OpenKM. But there's no table in okmdb.

Either the tables are missing from OVA or it is getting dropped by some command.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:18 am
by bumeshrai
jllort wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 6:13 am Hi ja.clavero

T'hat's totally impossible. CE Development environment comes with database created and with data. I suggest install virtual machine again because sure you have done something to drop it.
I reinstalled the OVM and as a first task checked the database. The okmdb is empty. There are no tables in it. Please check whether data is there in CE Development environment.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:03 am
by bumeshrai
The log output of openkm.log shows SQL errors. Showing part output due to limitation of lines.
Code: Select all
2021-07-15 06:49:24,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.core.Config - ** Application OpenKM has DTDs at /home/openkm/Development/workspace/openkm/target/OpenKM/WEB-INF/classes/dtd **

- *** Hibernate initialize ***
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate 'hibernate.dialect' = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate 'hibernate.connection.datasource' = java:/comp/env/jdbc/OpenKMDS
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate '' = create
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate 'hibernate.show_sql' = false
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate 'hibernate.generate_statistics' = false
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate '' =
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - Hibernate '' = /home/openkm/Development/tomcat-8.5.34/repository/index
2021-07-15 06:49:25,662 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO  com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil - 2021-07-15 06:49:28,502 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_EVENT (EVENT_), add constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT foreign key (EVENT_) references JBPM_EVENT (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,502 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_ACTION_EVENT"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_EVENT (EVENT_), add constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT foreign key (EVENT_) references JBPM_EVENT (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,503 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA (TIMERACTION_), add constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA foreign key (TIMERACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,503 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA (TIMERACTION_), add constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA foreign key (TIMERACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,504 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_ACTION_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,504 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_ACTION_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,504 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_), add constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL foreign key (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_) references JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,504 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_), add constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL foreign key (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_) references JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,505 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_REFACT (REFERENCEDACTION_), add constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT foreign key (REFERENCEDACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,505 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_ACTION_REFACT"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_REFACT (REFERENCEDACTION_), add constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT foreign key (REFERENCEDACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,505 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL (ACTIONDELEGATION_), add constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL foreign key (ACTIONDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,505 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_ACTION add index FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL (ACTIONDELEGATION_), add constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL foreign key (ACTIONDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,506 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY add index FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF (FILEDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF foreign key (FILEDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,506 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY add index FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF (FILEDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF foreign key (FILEDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,507 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK add index FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE (PROCESSFILE_), add constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE foreign key (PROCESSFILE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,507 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK add index FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE (PROCESSFILE_), add constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE foreign key (PROCESSFILE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,508 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_COMMENT add index FK_COMMENT_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,508 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_COMMENT_TOKEN"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_COMMENT add index FK_COMMENT_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,508 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_COMMENT add index FK_COMMENT_TSK (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,508 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_COMMENT_TSK"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_COMMENT add index FK_COMMENT_TSK (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,509 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS add index FK_DECCOND_DEC (DECISION_), add constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC foreign key (DECISION_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,509 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_DECCOND_DEC"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS add index FK_DECCOND_DEC (DECISION_), add constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC foreign key (DECISION_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,510 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_DELEGATION add index FK_DELEGATION_PRCD (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_DELEGATION_PRCD foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,510 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_DELEGATION_PRCD"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,510 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,510 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_EVENT_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,511 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_TRANS (TRANSITION_), add constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,511 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_EVENT_TRANS"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_TRANS (TRANSITION_), add constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,512 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_TASK (TASK_), add constraint FK_EVENT_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,512 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_EVENT_TASK"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_TASK (TASK_), add constraint FK_EVENT_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,512 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_EVENT_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,513 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_EVENT_NODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_EVENT add index FK_EVENT_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_EVENT_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,514 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_PRINST (PROCESSINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_JOB_PRINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,514 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_JOB_PRINST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_PRINST (PROCESSINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_JOB_PRINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,514 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,514 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_JOB_TOKEN"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,515 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_JOB_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,515 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_JOB_ACTION"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_JOB_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,516 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_TSKINST (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,516 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_JOB_TSKINST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_TSKINST (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,517 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_JOB_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,517 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_JOB_NODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_JOB add index FK_JOB_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_JOB_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,517 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_PARENT (PARENT_), add constraint FK_LOG_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_LOG (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,517 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_PARENT"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_PARENT (PARENT_), add constraint FK_LOG_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_LOG (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,518 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_DESTNODE (DESTINATIONNODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE foreign key (DESTINATIONNODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,518 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_DESTNODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_DESTNODE (DESTINATIONNODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE foreign key (DESTINATIONNODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,518 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,518 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_TOKEN"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TOKEN (TOKEN_), add constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_SOURCENODE (SOURCENODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE foreign key (SOURCENODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_SOURCENODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_SOURCENODE (SOURCENODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE foreign key (SOURCENODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_LOG_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_ACTION"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_LOG_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_NEWBYTES (NEWBYTEARRAY_), add constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES foreign key (NEWBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,519 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_NEWBYTES"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_NEWBYTES (NEWBYTEARRAY_), add constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES foreign key (NEWBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_SWIMINST (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_SWIMINST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_SWIMINST (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TRANSITION (TRANSITION_), add constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_TRANSITION"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TRANSITION (TRANSITION_), add constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,520 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_VARINST (VARIABLEINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_VARINST foreign key (VARIABLEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,521 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_VARINST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_VARINST (VARIABLEINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_VARINST foreign key (VARIABLEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,521 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN (CHILD_), add constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN foreign key (CHILD_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,521 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN (CHILD_), add constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN foreign key (CHILD_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,521 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_OLDBYTES (OLDBYTEARRAY_), add constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES foreign key (OLDBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,521 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_OLDBYTES"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_OLDBYTES (OLDBYTEARRAY_), add constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES foreign key (OLDBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,522 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TASKINST (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,522 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_TASKINST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_TASKINST (TASKINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,522 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,522 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_LOG_NODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_LOG add index FK_LOG_NODE (NODE_), add constraint FK_LOG_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,523 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add index FK_TSKDEF_START (STARTTASK_), add constraint FK_TSKDEF_START foreign key (STARTTASK_) references JBPM_TASK (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,523 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TSKDEF_START"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add index FK_TSKDEF_START (STARTTASK_), add constraint FK_TSKDEF_START foreign key (STARTTASK_) references JBPM_TASK (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,523 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add index FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,523 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,524 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add index FK_MODINST_PRCINST (PROCESSINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_MODINST_PRCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,524 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_MODINST_PRCINST"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,525 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add index FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,525 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,526 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_SCRIPT (SCRIPT_), add constraint FK_NODE_SCRIPT foreign key (SCRIPT_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,526 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_NODE_SCRIPT"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_SCRIPT (SCRIPT_), add constraint FK_NODE_SCRIPT foreign key (SCRIPT_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,527 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE (SUPERSTATE_), add constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE foreign key (SUPERSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,527 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE (SUPERSTATE_), add constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE foreign key (SUPERSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,527 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF (SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF foreign key (SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,527 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_DECISION_DELEG (DECISIONDELEGATION), add constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG foreign key (DECISIONDELEGATION) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_DECISION_DELEG"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_DECISION_DELEG (DECISIONDELEGATION), add constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG foreign key (DECISIONDELEGATION) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_NODE_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_NODE_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,528 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_NODE_ACTION"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_NODE add index FK_NODE_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_NODE_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,529 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR add index FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,530 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,530 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION add index FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA (STARTSTATE_), add constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,530 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION add index FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA (STARTSTATE_), add constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,532 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add index FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,532 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,533 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add index FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN (SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_), add constraint FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN foreign key (SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,533 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,534 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add index FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN (ROOTTOKEN_), add constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN foreign key (ROOTTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,534 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add index FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN (ROOTTOKEN_), add constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN foreign key (ROOTTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,535 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add index FK_RTACTN_PROCINST (PROCESSINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_RTACTN_PROCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,535 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_RTACTN_PROCINST"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,536 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add index FK_RTACTN_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,536 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_RTACTN_ACTION"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add index FK_RTACTN_ACTION (ACTION_), add constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,536 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add index FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,536 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,537 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add index FK_SWL_ASSDEL (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_), add constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,537 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_SWL_ASSDEL"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add index FK_SWL_ASSDEL (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_), add constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,537 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add index FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL (SWIMLANE_), add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,537 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add index FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL (SWIMLANE_), add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,538 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add index FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_), add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM foreign key (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,538 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM"; SQL statement:
2021-07-15 06:49:28,539 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_TASKNODE (TASKNODE_), add constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE foreign key (TASKNODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,539 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TASK_TASKNODE"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_TASKNODE (TASKNODE_), add constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE foreign key (TASKNODE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,539 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TSK_TSKCTRL (TASKCONTROLLER_), add constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,540 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TSK_TSKCTRL"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TSK_TSKCTRL (TASKCONTROLLER_), add constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,540 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,540 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TASK_PROCDEF"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_PROCDEF (PROCESSDEFINITION_), add constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,540 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unsuccessful: alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_STARTST (STARTSTATE_), add constraint FK_TASK_STARTST foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_)
2021-07-15 06:49:28,540 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Unknown data type: "FK_TASK_STARTST"; SQL statement:
alter table JBPM_TASK add index FK_TASK_STARTST (STARTSTATE_), add constraint FK_TASK_STARTST foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE (ID_) [50004-191]
2021-07-15 06:49:28,541 [localhost-startStop-1] [] ERROR o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - 
2021-07-15 06:49:31,186 [localhost-startStop-1] [] WARN  o.a.c.o.s.i.a.CmisAtomPubServlet - CMIS version is not defined! Setting it to CMIS 1.0.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:03 am
by bumeshrai
Noticed that the updated SQL file for mysql in Software folder is empty. Moreover the other mysql sql file has 'target=' instead of 'engine=' in the table creation sql. This is giving an error during execution.

Is this the reason for empty table set after installation?

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:40 am
by jllort
Did you download the OVA from

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:52 am
by bumeshrai
Yes, I did. It led to this page.

Screenshot from 2021-07-19 13-18-35.png
Screenshot from 2021-07-19 13-18-35.png (103.95 KiB) Viewed 6780 times
And then I downloaded.

Re: Struggling to make Community development environment work

PostPosted:Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:53 pm
by jllort
I have just download the VM, imported in virtual box. In the VM I have oppened a terminal and executed the next commands
Code: Select all
cd /home/openkm/Development/workspace/openkm
sudo su
service openkm start
tail -f /home/openkm/Development/tomcat/logs/catalina.2021-07-22.log
And I do not see anything strange in the log file and the application started fine ( localhost:8080/OpenKM ) from the browser in the dev environment.

I suggest import the VM again and follow the same steps I think you should have modified something else before starting to get this behavior.

About, in the next release will share the development environment with code compiled ready to be used.