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Custom document properties

PostPosted:Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:50 pm
by Romeriz
Hello all,

I am trying to find out how/if I can create custom properties for a group of documents. What I would like to be able to to is to assign to a folder a document property profile so that every document in that folder has certian properties.

If that is not possible, can I specify some globally? If so how?



Re:Custom document properties

PostPosted:Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:43 pm
by pavila
This is not possible: actually you need to assing a group property to each document.

Re:Custom document properties

PostPosted:Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:15 pm
by Romeriz

Thanks for your quick response.

If I understand you correctly, you are telling me I have to assign each document a group of custom properties?

If that is the case, could I put in a enhancement request:

To be able to specify properties that are associated to a document by folder?

I.E. Root -> Books

I would like to have all documents in the Books folder (and sub folders) have the property ISBN number and Publication Date.



Re:Custom document properties

PostPosted:Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:04 am
by kgdms
Are document properties derieved from the file summary tab?

Im thinking of writing a vb script that adds the directory path to the files keywords in its properties ,

im just wondering if openkm looks at these attributes when importing the file?

Re:Custom document properties

PostPosted:Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:55 am
by jllort
We\'ll study for future releases to set Properties of folder.

We had a clear idea about properties on documents, but we must think some time about folders properties, before trying to implement it.

We understand that it\'s useful for end user to category on a simply way all documents, and subfolders on a path.

But we\'ve got some internal question ?

The same Folder properties, can be set on documents, too ? and on this way could occurs some case, than folder has the same group of properties than documents with contradictory values. Properties are used for searching, on this case seems that document properties has major level than folder sets ... How I expect you can see, we must be working thinking about all possible cases.

Re:Custom document properties

PostPosted:Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:00 am
by jllort
Sorry , but I don\'t understand what you are thinking.

If I understand well you want to make a extenal application on VB ( using Webservices to communicate with OpenKM ) and upload files, and after it setting some properties, is it, because importing ( migration ) is other case ?

Tell me more.