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Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:50 am
by Iwen
I\'m using okm 3.0 with default configuration.
I find that lots of *.tmp files in TEMP folder.
My db size in version is 25G. When I open the folder in okm, lots of *.tmp files created. It\'s about 12G. When I shutting down JBoss, the *.tmp files didn\'t disappear.
How can I fix it?

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:14 pm
by pavila
Do you mean temporary files in the hard disk file system ? These files should be deleted and are only used when importing documents. With kind of documents do you have?

You can manually delete all these files when you shutdown JBoss.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:04 am
by Iwen
Yes, I mean temporary files in the hard disk file system.
They are appearring when I clicking folder in the okm.
They increased very fast.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:19 pm
by pavila
Do you mean that every time you click (single click) in a folder, a temporary file is created?

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:52 am
by Iwen
Yes, I mean what u say.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:55 am
by pavila
Sorry, but I can\'t reproduce this issue. Perhaps you should post a more detailed problem description with an user case.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:23 pm
by jllort
Post more information about you configuration, OS, if you\'ve made some change on default community installation, etc... and a detailed way to try reproducing it, for example ( every time I created a new folder on OpenKM it appears new folder on tmp SO if it\'s your case ). If we can not reproduce it, we can not help you.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:01 am
by stanley
hello Iwen ,can you give your email to me ? I am a chinese user.

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:01 am
by stanley
hello Iwen ,can you give your email to me ? I am a chinese user.
my eamil:

Re:Creating lots of *.tmp files.

PostPosted:Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:59 am
by jllort
do you have change some configuration that comes by default, database or similar ?