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SearchForm Class not found

PostPosted:Tue May 06, 2014 6:10 pm
by mohamadoo23
I am using OPENKM community 6.2.5 as a C# client and download OKMForms_1.1 and I did not find the searchform class in it could anyone help me
becuase I want to make a search openkm form

Re: SearchForm Class not found

PostPosted:Thu May 08, 2014 9:47 pm
by jllort
If you include the library and the code from ... SearchForm should go right. If you got some error in compilation time show us ( recently I've updated c# webservice library but not the others, could be some problem on it ). Confirm to me if it's the problem and I will release all of the others.

Really for doing search with OKMWebservices will be enought ( you can build your own UI ), the SearchForm advantage is what really comes yet done.