• No scanner link available

  • OpenKM tiene muchas características interesantes, pero es necesario un proceso de configuración para mostrar todo su potencial.
OpenKM tiene muchas características interesantes, pero es necesario un proceso de configuración para mostrar todo su potencial.
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 #6084  by oskanaan
Hello everyone,

I've downloaded openkm and ran the jboss server, i can access the application and create folders, add documents.... I want to run the scanner applet but there is no link for it as in the online demo, i can find the scanner.jar file in the deployment folder, how can i enable scanning?

 #6085  by jllort

You're wrong, into your OpenKM.war there's the scanner.jar. Take a look at your java console when you're using scanner to see if there's some error ( problably something missed to be installed in your computer ).
 #6099  by oskanaan

thanks for your reply... I guess you didnt get my point, in the online demo when you click on the "file" menu , there is a menu item for the "scanner" when you click on it the applet starts, I cant find this link in the version i installed on my computer.

the scanner.jar is present in the war file..

 #6105  by jllort

In version 4.X there's no present scanner in menu options, only in toolbar. Press the last button in right at toolbar and then it'll appears scanner.

Online demo is a pre-beta of version 5.x

About Us

OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.