• SQL Queries...

  • We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
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 #44780  by dferguson
I would like to use a SQL query to find documents that meet a few criteria.

I can use this query to successfully find all documents in a specific folder.
Code: Select all
select * from OKM_NODE_BASE where NBS_PARENT = '7a583384-8610-41d5-a535-9b8158a821e6';
I would like to additionally filter out documents that have a specific metadata. As an example I would like to additionally filter the above documents to those with metadata of okg:docstate and a value of 001.

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE property-groups PUBLIC "-//OpenKM//DTD Property Groups 2.0//EN"
  <property-group label="Doc State" name="okg:docstate">
    <select label="Doc State" name="okp:docstate.select" type="simple">
      <option label="Current" value="001" />
      <option label="WIP" value="002" />
      <option label="Legacy" value="003" />
    <property-group label="SubSystem" name="okg:subsystem">
    <select label="SubSystem" name="okp:subsystem.select" type="simple">
      <option label="RIG" value="001" />
      <option label="CPM" value="002" />
      <option label="SW" value="003" />
        <option label="DSC" value="004" />
        <option label="System" value="005" />
        <option label="User" value="006" />
         <option label="CHW" value="007" />
        <option label="Consumables" value="008" />
    <property-group label="Design Phase" name="okg:designphase">
    <select label="Design Phase" name="okp:designphase.select" type="simple">
      <option label="Charter" value="001" />
      <option label="Scoping" value="002" />
      <option label="Verification and Validation" value="003" />
        <option label="Design Transfer" value="004" />
        <option label="Design Output" value="005" />
    <property-group label="Status" name="okg:status">
    <select label="Status" name="okp:status.select" type="simple">
      <option label="Development" value="001" />
        <option label="Review" value="002" />
      <option label="Training" value="003" />
      <option label="Disposition" value="004" />
        <option label="Complete" value="005" />
 #44782  by dferguson
I had found that document, but struggled to reuse the examples for my specific case. I took some time to figure out that the SQL examples were incorrect for my case. Using lowercase to identify the tables names (okm_node_property) didn't work. I had to capitalize to OKM_NODE_PROPERTY. In the end I ended up with this...
Code: Select all
select NBS_NAME, NPG_GROUP from OKM_NODE_DOCUMENT nd inner join OKM_NODE_BASE nb on nd.NBS_UUID = nb.NBS_UUID inner join OKM_NODE_PROPERTY np on np.NPG_NODE = nd.NBS_UUID where NBS_PARENT = '7a583384-8610-41d5-a535-9b8158a821e6' and NPG_GROUP = 'okg:docstate' and NPG_VALUE = '["001"]';
 #44783  by dferguson
Here is output of the NBS_NAME and NPG_GROUP...
Screenshot from 2017-10-19 09-18-53.png
Screenshot from 2017-10-19 09-18-53.png (69.64 KiB) Viewed 2661 times
How can I represent okg:docstate with the appropriate label in the iReport?
 #44785  by dferguson
Okay, I figured it out.

I used the text field expression built in iReport
Screenshot from 2017-10-20 11-04-59.png
Screenshot from 2017-10-20 11-04-59.png (38.77 KiB) Viewed 2657 times
 #44788  by jllort
Only for your consideration, take in mind direct SQL will output a reports results outside any kind of security filter what might be an issue for you ( it depends on what is your scenario ). Also is possible getting something like it from search API ( java scripting to get results ). I suggest take a look at https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/ok ... -pack.html ( SQLReportPattern.jrxml ) and Search API description https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/ok ... earch.html

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.