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Add an embeded users administration for text based

PostPosted:Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:14 am
by trangtrainam
Somethimes we\'ve been thinking to put on OpenKM and embeded administration user system via Web, independing of course with DBMS, LDAP integration, to manage what now is and

OpenKM don\'t wants to create and extra repository of users on intranet, we think that each company administrator stablishes security roles ( database / ldap / windows / etc.. ) and we think that a good dms policy is to be integrated on company users repository, not to create others on paralel that dificults administrator task.

But for more basic installations, OpenKM users are administrated via and It\'ll be good for administrator to have a web admin tool to administrate users on this cases ?

Re: Add an embeded users administration for text based

PostPosted:Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:58 am
by jllort
Use properties might have sense in a testing scenario but in a production will be something really strange. Consider althought you update the properties file the changes will not be applied until the application started again ( properties are only loaded at the begining ). In the other hand in a production environment you might use database like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and I do not observe a reason why using properties if you have database.

Finally I think if openkm database, ldap for user is not right for you I think the direction should going in integrate some additional authentication provider, for example if you have your own database, you can use the current user database in your company for it purpose.