• 6.3.9: File names in webdav mounts

  • We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
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 #49918  by MKochS
Version: 6.3.9 CE
OS: Debian Sid

Good afternoon,

I have found the following and don't know how to handle it. I've mounted webdav directories via davfs2 to local directories in a user's homedir. So far, this is working. However, files containing spaces in their names appear in single quotes - note the second line:
Code: Select all
-rw-r--r-- 1 user tape  17617 Okt 10  2017  2017-09_Umsaetze_DE86513900000027159303_2017.10.10.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 user tape  26941 Aug 26  2018 [b]'[/b]2018-08-26 Sonderausgaben 2017.ods[b]'[/b]
Consequently, they cannot be accessed from the command line, although "find" still finds them.

Graphical tools like filemanagers (thunar, nautilus) display them without quotation marks and handle them normally.
Auswahl_031.png (5.5 KiB) Viewed 6618 times
Is there something that can be done?

 #49937  by jllort
This is the way how Linux shown these files when you are listing. This is not OpenKM behaviour is the standard Linux ( and I think the lastest windows version) the documents with spaces are shown. Try to create your own document in Linux and you'll see the same. I think is not OpenKM issue. Anyway try copy a document with spaces to a new destination in your file system ( outside openkm ). And if you get an error share the screenshot

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