• Non admin windows user cannot able to login to OpenKM system

  • We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
We tried to make OpenKM as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.
Forum rules: Please, before asking something see the documentation wiki or use the search feature of the forum. And remember we don't have a crystal ball or mental readers, so if you post about an issue tell us which OpenKM are you using and also the browser and operating system version. For more info read How to Report Bugs Effectively.
 #40935  by ethrbh

I am absolutely a beginner in OpenKM. I would use the “community” version on Windows Server 2012 R2. There are few users are defined in the windows server, and my plane is to make a document version control system for all these users. For this I installed the OpenKM-6.3.1 build 8235. The installation went successfully down, no fault occurred.

Just for the trial I did not make service for this, but started it with “catalina.bat start”. The Java VM has started, later I could able to login to the OpenKM system. In there I could create users, upload documents, ect. So this was fine.

The next step was try how the NON admin users can reach OpenKM system. For this, I logged in the same Windows server with a NON admin user, like user1. The previously started Java VM for OpenKM is up and running what the administrator has started. So the NON admin user has started a browser, and it looks the login procedure is working, but nothing is shown in the browser, the “localhost:8080/OpenKM/frontend/index.jsp” can be seen in the browser URI section, but the whole “browser frame” is empty.

Later I switched the windows user back to administrator, and verified the OpenKM is still running, the I could login to that.

I also made another test. Removed the previously installed OpenKM, and re-installed that with the NON admin user, with user1. The installation went down, no error occurred. I could start OpenKM by “catalina.bat start”, but I could not able to login to the system. I left up and running OpenKM, but logged in to the windows server with administrator. I started a browser and admin windows user could login to the OpenKM system using any user what was registered in OpenKM system itself.

So it looks to me, NON admin users cannot able to use OpenKM.

I would like to ask you, is this how it is, or I did something wrong, maybe I missed to do some configuration.

Btw, this is what I can see in the Java VM window when that was started by the NON admin user who is installed the OpenKM:
Code: Select all
2015-11-25 15:45:21,507 [main] INFO  org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina- Server startup in 49636 ms
2015-11-25 15:45:43,847 [http-apr-] INFO  com.openkm.module.db.DbAuthModule- Create okm:trash/okmAdmin
2015-11-25 15:45:44,283 [http-apr-] INFO  com.openkm.module.db.DbAuthModule- Create okm:personal/okmAdmin
2015-11-25 15:45:44,342 [http-apr-] INFO  com.openkm.module.db.DbAuthModule- Create okm:mail/okmAdmin
2015-11-25 15:50:19,670 [Update Info] INFO  com.openkm.core.UpdateInfo- *** UpdateInfo activated ***
2015-11-25 15:50:19,677 [Update Info] INFO  com.openkm.module.common.CommonAuthModule- PrincipalAdapter: com.openkm.principal.DatabasePrincipalAdapter
2015-11-25 15:50:19,853 [Update Info] INFO  com.openkm.util.Update- checkVersion
And so, the login procedure looks working well, at least if I try login with an invalid user and/or pwd, I got an "auth error".

Please help me.

Thanks for your help,
 #40948  by jllort
Non admin users should have ROLE_USER otherwise you will get an erro while you're entering openkm.
In same computer, first test admin user and next non admin user, because blank screen should be something related with that computer, for exemple AD killer or antivirus.
If problems continues, add some screenshot ( in same computer ) with admin and non admin user to see what happens.
 #40952  by ethrbh

I have some observation what probably helps for you to explain me the situation, because I do not understand at all :(

So there a Windows Server 2012 R2, what has the following setup:
  • - There is the ordinary Administrator user
    - And there are two “normal” users
    - Fix IPv4 has been used for the serer, what is served by the DHCP server running on the Router box
    • o The MAC address is filtered in the router, and there is a config for giving fix IP for that
      o IP:
      PS C:\Users\Administrator\tomcat> ping -4 server

      Pinging server [] with 32 bytes of data:
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

      Ping statistics for
      Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
      Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
      Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
      PS C:\Users\Administrator\tomcat>
    - The computer name of the Windows server is, “server”
    - OpenKM has been installed under “c:\Users\Administrator\tomcat\” path
  • - When Administrator user is logged in to the Windows
    • o OPenMK service is running
      o Chrome/Firefox browser is started
      o There are different behaviors depending what URL is used for reach OpenMK system
      •  Type 1 - log can be seen in the log1.zip file
        • • The “” Url is typed in the browser
          • o The OpenMK login page appears and okmAdmin user can be logged in, no problem at all
         Type 2 - log can be seen in the log2.zip file
        • • The “http://server:8080/OpenKM/login.jsp” Url is typed in the browser
          • o The OpenMK login window appears, I can set the user/pwd, it looks the authentication is working, because if I set wrong parameters I got an error, but anyway.
            o Once the user is logged in, I expects the same contents of data to be see in the browser as was it in the “Type 1”, but I did not happened. Nothing is displayed in the browser.
         I went check the log files, the major diff can be seen in the “localhost_access_log.2015-11-27.txt” log files.
      The diff is there is an “extra” HTTP/GEP (marked with RED below) in the case when something goes wrong. I don’t know is this the caused the problem or not.
      So I would like to have some help to sort out the problem, is this is a problem.

      • In case of “Type -1”, this can be seen: - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:07 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/login.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2105 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:07 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/logo/login HTTP/1.1" 200 5270 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:14 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/j_spring_security_check HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:15 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/frontend/index.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2890 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:16 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/frontend/Language HTTP/1.1" 200 19422 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:17 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/logo/tiny HTTP/1.1" 200 782 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:17 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/frontend/Auth HTTP/1.1" 200 196 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:17 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/frontend/Repository HTTP/1.1" 200 261 - - [27/Nov/2015:06:51:17 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/frontend/Auth HTTP/1.1" 200 111

      • In case of “Type -2”, this can be seen: - - [27/Nov/2015:07:02:09 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/login.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2105 - - [27/Nov/2015:07:02:09 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/logo/login HTTP/1.1" 200 5270 - - [27/Nov/2015:07:02:16 +0100] "POST /OpenKM/j_spring_security_check HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [27/Nov/2015:07:02:16 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/ HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [27/Nov/2015:07:02:16 +0100] "GET /OpenKM/frontend/index.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2890
    - When “normal” user is logged in to the Windows
    o I can see the same observation what described above. I did not saved the logs.
thanks for your help,
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 #40964  by jllort
I do not see anything strange in catalina.log file into log2.zip. Googling for error 302 http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E302.html seems you have strange error I had never seen before, I suspect is something with your network configuration. If you ping "server" which ip responses. I suggest in your hosts file configure server with your server ip to prevent strange behaviors.
 #40971  by ethrbh

I have checked what IP returns by the server if I ping that in a shell. That was the IPv6 address. Later I disabled the IPv6, following this article (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929852). Now the IP address in the ICMP reply is the server's IPv4 address, but the original issue still does not solved. Finally I addedd the IPv4 address in the hosts file, but of course, the issue still not gone :-(

thanks for your help,
 #40983  by jllort
You have something strange in this server and is not OpenKM configuration issue, you should continue investigating in other side. I suggest also, if you want to check the application install in other computer and test the application there. You will have the same issue with other application.

Other way to solve it, should be configure OpenKM behind Internet Information Server:
https://ashrafhossain.wordpress.com/201 ... 08-64-bit/
http://wiki.openkm.com/index.php/Troubl ... _or_404.15

About Us

OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.