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Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:29 am
by Rudolf21
Hi there!

Is it possible to use LDAP and the local user database at the same time?
As I would like to be able to login with the okadmin or another local admin if the LDAP connection fails.
As far as I know there's no local configuration file to change the settings I made on the Web Configuration GUI.

(Using OpenKM 6.2)

Thanks in advance!

Re: Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:58 pm
by jllort
Is not possible, you should use database or ldap. Aditional if you want this kind of configuration you should make some changes in source code, and is possible configure spring to several sources.

Re: Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:17 am
by oktaya
I think this is possible. For my install I did not remove the Database auth stuff but merely added the LDAP stuff in the config and it worked. I don't remember the specifics now. This is probably what's called Authentication Chaining in the Java world. Of course the openKM interface will only show one set of users (either those from the database or from ldap) but existing users will work (?) .

Re: Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:47 am
by jllort
It's possible in spring use several authentication poll, but OpenKM source code has not implemented this kind of feature. If you want to collaborate on it you're welcome.

Re: Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:54 am
by oktaya
I only did this by putting both authentication mechanisms in the config file. I think this is standard java stuff which I am not really very experienced with except for a few times I've seen it in other projects under Chaining Authentication.

Re: Using LDAP + Local User DB

PostPosted:Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:44 pm
by jllort
put in OpenKM.xml is only the 50% of the problem the next 50% is make changes in source code to get several polls ( at least two, default openkm db and ldap at same time ). That obviously can be more complex but this will be the first step.

I you want collaborate in source code for it you're welcome.