• Blocking Mime types folder wise

  • He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
He we will discuss about how to make customization and improvement to the OpenKM source code.
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 #54480  by shihab

I have a query, I am trying to customize openkm. My aim is to block mime types by folder wise. For example a folder named "folder1" should allow only .docx files and folder "folder2" allow only .pdf files, is there any solution to achieve this scenario.
 #54510  by jllort
You must create an Rule with and automation action in PRE at the event CREATE_DOCUMENT -> when uploading the document in PRE ( stage where the document still is not created ) can check the document name and if the extension is not allowed raise an exception.

I share a link to create your action plugin https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/ok ... ction.html
 #54513  by shihab
Dear Jllort,

Thanks for the reply,

I gone through the link It is working fine( put the jar file in Tomcat x.y /plugin folder and restart the openkm service)

In my case I think to create a new table AS "OKM_BLOCKED_MIMETYPES" (screen shot attached) with two columns 'document_path' and 'document_type'. When user upload a document compare the path and mimetype with my table values , found any match through exception.

1. document_path -> will capture the path of the directory
2. document_type -> the blocked mime types in to the folder.

Is there any way to debug the code in development server,

In the screen shot I tried with an example of simple folder creation on our development server as a simple java project.

Getting error as shown in the screen shot while create an object of OKMFolder class.
OKM_BLOCKED_MIMETYPES.jpg (52.54 KiB) Viewed 9677 times
Debug.jpg (134.98 KiB) Viewed 9677 times
 #54517  by shihab
Hi ,

This below mentioned link is not working, is there any video link available for linux.

Tomcat developing: How do I configure Tomcat to support remote debugging?

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OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.