• fuzzy search or wildcard-basis search?

  • Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
Do you want to create a native client or integrate with third party applications: webservices are the solution.
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 #1531  by leonyuan
In the OKMSearch class, there are 4 methods about searching : findByContent, findByKeywords, findByName and findByStatement. I wonder if the method support the fuzzy seaarching or wildcard-basis searching ? for example, i do a search like this :
findByKeywords(token, \"*myexpression*\");
 #1588  by pavila
OpenKM does not support fuzzy search by default, but it support wildcards. It uses Lucene as search engine, so you can refer to lucene documentation for more info. Anyway I don\'t understand your question. What is the problem?

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