• Community Edition not running after installation

  • Des difficultés à installer OpenKM ? Aucun problème, la solution est plus proche que vous croyez.
Des difficultés à installer OpenKM ? Aucun problème, la solution est plus proche que vous croyez.

Moderator: dedisoft

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 #50598  by KKSharma
I have tried the installation of CE by two different methods separately on two machines.
1. By using OKMInstaller.jar file
2. By extracting both OpenKM (Zipped folder) as well as Tomcat 8.5 (Zipped folder) under C: (root) directory
and done changes under the Tomcat Server files accordingly.

But in both ways, the tomcat service is not running up showing error message:

Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat 8.5 Tomcat8 on Local Computer.
For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service,
contact the service vendor, and refer to service specific error code 4.

Then I googled the solution of tomcat. bypass the Java path and set to default then also same error.

Any solution please. Thanks.
 #50613  by jllort
Try starting from command like, go into bin folder and execute "catalina.bat run" ( do not close the console ). From there it is working?
Sure you have installed JAVA JDK 1.8, either will not work.
 #50631  by KKSharma
Thanks Mr. Jllort for the response.

But still I am struggling despite followed all the instructions carefully.

1. Catalina.bat run -> is closing the console automatically and showing error with database connection.

2. When I open the http://localhost:8080/OpenKM/login.jsp
the below:
Application error
Class: org.apache.jasper.JasperException
Message: An exception occurred processing JSP page [/login_desktop.jsp] at line [230] 227:
Date: Sun Oct 11 14:21:46 GST 2020

For this error I have searched the similar post where it is mentioned that need to change the Legacy option for Mysql Root Password. I have selected the selected option and reset the root password, but not working.

Kindly provide the solution. Thank you very much.
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 #50648  by jllort
Problem comes with database connection. Check server.xml values, check user / password, basically check database connection what seems is not working.
What database did you configured? MySQL?

Maybe this documentation section will help https://docs.openkm.com/kcenter/view/ok ... oting.html
 #53694  by vf20fena
yo estoy usando la maquina virtual de desarrollo todo compila hasta el tomcat pero el resultado al dirigirme al portal de ingreso a OpenKM me responde asi:

Application error
Class: org.apache.jasper.JasperException
Message: An exception occurred processing JSP page [/login_desktop.jsp] at line [230] 227:
Date: Sat Jul 09 18:57:10 CEST 2022

como lo soluciono en linux, tengo el sql instalado, pero como verifico la conexión con la base de datos, es más como resuelvo el problema
 #53709  by jllort
If the post is in English, please continue in the same language or add new post in the Spanish

* stop OpenKM
* delete all files into the logs folder
* start OpenKM
* try to login
Share the file openkm.log and we'll take a look into
 #53947  by megbene
Hello everyone,

i want to try the open KM community software for the Document management of my office, before buying the professional edition. but the installation goes up to " - Configure Service" after OpenKM 6.3 got downloaded, unzipped and Configred successfully (siehe attached Picture).
why it stays at this point? what should i correct?
Install_Openkm.jpg (438.31 KiB) Viewed 59248 times
 #53955  by jllort
Ensure you have executed the windows command line as administrator, because regular user will not be able to registering a service.

About Us

OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.