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Lentitud al ejecutar la extracción de texto para los documentos (Tras dos días y medio sólo un 13%).
by alan_vallejo -   - in: Uso
7 Replies
 by alan_vallejo
OpenKM stopped working randomly
by tuomask -   - in: Usage
1 Replies
 by MarcoOliveira
Load Users from AD
by MarcoOliveira -   - in: Configuration
0 Replies
 by MarcoOliveira
OCR for existing PDF files
by polandia12 -   - in: Usage
5 Replies
 by jllort
TextExtractorWorker Error
by MarcoOliveira -   - in: Configuration
2 Replies
 by MarcoOliveira
[SOLVED] OCR not extracting text from PDFs, but scanned correctly
by LauryMenton -   - in: Usage
7 Replies
 by jllort
How I can search documents by Keyboards
by MarcoOliveira -   - in: Usage
5 Replies
 by jllort
How I can install SWFTools
by MarcoOliveira -   - in: Configuration
1 Replies
 by jllort
How to install jbpm?
by Ethan.Yang -   - in: Installation
2 Replies
 by Ethan.Yang
Install in a linux server without internet connection
by kkluoluo -   - in: Installation
1 Replies
 by jllort

About Us

OpenKM is part of the management software. A management software is a program that facilitates the accomplishment of administrative tasks. OpenKM is a document management system that allows you to manage business content and workflow in a more efficient way. Document managers guarantee data protection by establishing information security for business content.